A Winter Sleepy Time Ritual

A Winter Sleepy Time Ritual

Here in northern Nova Scotia, we are into deep winter after the gorgeous transitional season of Autumn with her melancholic beauty. Dark afternoons, frosty mornings, that cold gust of wind that chills your bones - but also crisp air that feels so fresh and clean, the brightness of the stars in the night sky and the opportunity to turn inward.

Winter is a time to rest, to nestle into our warm nests and recharge after the bounty of high summer. An opportunity to eat warming foods that fuel and nourish our bodies, soups and stews beside a warm hearth in the blue twilight, to tuck into our cozy beds a little earlier. 

With the change of seasons our skin often changes too. Our lips crack, skin feels drier, we can feel tight and depleted. 

Skin is always a dance between our inner and outer worlds so we need to drench our vessels with extra water everyday, aim for 60-100 ounces daily, include hot teas and tonics. On our skin's surface, we can add rich golden oils like jojoba, almond or coconut to aid hydration both inside and out. 

A Winter Sleepy Time Ritual:

  • A tall vessel of room temperature water spiked with lemon juice
  • A hot bath sprinkled liberally with Epsom salts and relaxing lavender essential oil to nourish the skin and soothe the soil
  • The warmth of the water will warm the extremities and down regulate your system shifting you into rest and relax mode easily
  • Sensually massage Cosmette Dreamy Detox Oil all over your face and neck as you luxuriate in a warm pool of bliss
  • A hot face towel laid upon your facial skin to remove excess oil 
  • A rich slide of golden oil over damp skin as you exit
  • The cool texture of slipping into clean sheets and a chapter of your favorite author
  • Allow yourself to drift off into a sweet slumber safe and sound
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